cobra guppies


Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
the mitten state
i bought 3 guppies today i dnt kno if male or female but one of them is yellow is that normal i jus thought that they were diff color but now im thinking that maybe is stressed out.

Where did you buy these from. ? How big are the guppies infant.

yellow isnt a problem - it is just another color for a fancy guppy.

Generally the brightly colored one with the large tail is the male.

Look for a dark spot at the vent area of the non yellow - if it is there they are females

good luck

thanks but i found out that non are girls. so im going to get a new pair. but in the mea time i wanted to sy that one of the guppies doent look so good and im afraid its gonna die :( . i treated it with tresszyme and its still alive now.
Actualy I've had females who had the color to. I use to have tons of those kinds of guppies until I gave up on them and gave them out and divided them from male/female so they would stop breeding... :blink:
most of my females have color, just not as bright. their tales are also a lot smaller than the males. also infant340 i believe what you want is stresscoat, stresszyme is supposed to help with the biofilter, which could help the fish, but its not specifically for it. anyway good luck with your fish and i hope this helps. :)
:( this morning i found them all dead on died died because it did somthing with the filter, the other one died because of difficulties and the last one died wen i was sleeping :(
infant340 said:
:( this morning i found them all dead on died died because it did somthing with the filter, the other one died because of difficulties and the last one died wen i was sleeping :(
I'm sorry about your fish. Was your tank cycled? Guppies are great fish but do poorly with an un-cycled tank.

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