I am a new fish aquarium owner. I actually don't know all that much about it at all. I have had my tank up for over a year, with all the same fish I had at my first purchase. I have a few gouramis, spotted catfish, silver dollars, angel fish, bala sharks, and a cobalt blue lobster. The lobster has been in my tank for over a year, has done a fair amount of shedding his shell (not sure of the exact terms). He hasn't shed his shell thing for nearly 3 months now; he used to do it more often. I'm not sure if this is normal.. However, the last time he shed it, his long claw pincher things came out deformed on his right side. They are kinda closed too far, like a broken pair of scissors, and kinda rotated as well. Instead of opening up and down, they are set to where they open left and right. It hasn't seemed to be an issue. There is only one of the lobsters in there, so he doesnt really have anyone to defend himself against. However, recently I have noticed this red spot on his pincher as well. It almost looks like a blood blister kind of thing. Is this something to worry about? Can someone please help me out here?
Thanks again!
Thanks again!