This is my tank at the moment.
This is what i need to put in the tank:
CO2 Unit (I've bought a floramat unit for a temporary solution, gonna buy a yeast based one in 2 weeks).
Tetraplant complete substrate (also have)
Blue background (also have)
More sand (also have)
The reason i'm posting again (sorry to be a pain), is the floramat gonna be sufficient for 2 weeks, it does'nt say how long the cannister lasts, and how much i should put in. Also, i've got the tetraplant complete substrate, and i need to put it below the sand, i think i know the answer to this, but whats the easiest way to put it below the sand. (Will i need to empty the tank). My plan is to put the fertiliser in a circle in the middle of the tank and have a kind of jungle in the middle then have features around the side, would this work, what do you think.
My plan for fish is a 2 cichlids, which i already have, and maybe 7-8 neon tetras, and a pleco.
Any suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated.
Edit, The reason i'm thinking of putting the plants in a circle in the middle of the tank is for financial restrictions, i would put plants throughout but i've not got enough money to buy under substrate fertiliser, for the whole tank, (is under substrate fertiliser essential).