Co2 Unit


Fish Addict
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Stevenage, UK

Does anyone know of a good co2 system like the nutrafin one. My aquarium is roughly 100l. The Nutrafin kit is for up to 75l. If anyone does know, do you know any online shops i can buy it from.



Does anyone know of a good co2 system like the nutrafin one. My aquarium is roughly 100l. The Nutrafin kit is for up to 75l. If anyone does know, do you know any online shops i can buy it from.



how much lighting have you got?
or... you could use more than one. Then you could alternate when you change them out for more stability. That is what a lot of people on here say to do.
Not sure how much lighting i've got, i'm going to work that out later today. Does anyone know of any topics where i can find out how to make my own co2 system. Can't seem to find any.


This is my tank at the moment.


This is what i need to put in the tank:

CO2 Unit (I've bought a floramat unit for a temporary solution, gonna buy a yeast based one in 2 weeks).

Tetraplant complete substrate (also have)

Blue background (also have)

More sand (also have)

The reason i'm posting again (sorry to be a pain), is the floramat gonna be sufficient for 2 weeks, it does'nt say how long the cannister lasts, and how much i should put in. Also, i've got the tetraplant complete substrate, and i need to put it below the sand, i think i know the answer to this, but whats the easiest way to put it below the sand. (Will i need to empty the tank). My plan is to put the fertiliser in a circle in the middle of the tank and have a kind of jungle in the middle then have features around the side, would this work, what do you think.

My plan for fish is a 2 cichlids, which i already have, and maybe 7-8 neon tetras, and a pleco.

Any suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Edit, The reason i'm thinking of putting the plants in a circle in the middle of the tank is for financial restrictions, i would put plants throughout but i've not got enough money to buy under substrate fertiliser, for the whole tank, (is under substrate fertiliser essential).
You need to space the stems out a little. They need to be able to get light to the bottom of the stems. They also need a little room to grow.
Also the green and white one in the middle looks like one that was said to be not aquatic. You might want to check on that.
It looks nice though.

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