CO2 systems for planted tanks?


you don't know JACK FISH
Oct 30, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Quebec

I was wondering if I need a CO2 system for my tank.

It's a 20 gallon with 7 guppies right now, I will get more fish once it has cycled.

so far, I put in 8 staright vallisneria, I have like 13 now with new sprouts growing
I also have 2 lender-Leaved Elodea and 2 Green Cabomba.

All this is supported by a 15 watt neon which i plan to change as i want to add more plants in my tank.

I found this CO2 system for my tank. Would I need it?

And if I don't need it now, how do i know when I will need it?

P.S. The picture in my sig isn't up to date, I only has vallisneria in there at the time, the others are plastic
WHat would a good light level be then?

I know 15 watts for 20 gallons isn't very bright...
Keep in mind I want to add a few more plants in there (some anubias for sure to cover the front) and maybe some java moss to cover the "brick" columns
Those plants will probably be ok under 15 watts

Medium lighting for your tank is 50 watts and high light 100 plus

you could add another 15 watt tube to make 30 watts and then stick to low light plants
All right
My next purchase will mot liekly be java moss, anubias nana and amazon sword or something like that.
I like the color and life it brings to the tank :)
Amazon sword might need more light but there fairly cheap and you can give it a go, put a root tab under where you plant it as they are root feeders
Hmm, I thaught amazon swords didn't require much light...
I might just go for some larger Anubias then, or something similar

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