Co2 Help Dyi


Fish Fanatic
Jun 22, 2009
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i have a question about making co2. i have th ehagen co2 system was tould there packets are junk so i should make my own co2.
i know u use yeast sugar and water obviously. my wuestion is exactly what kind of yeast do i need i thought yeast was just called yeast when i went to grocery store they had yeast called fleischmann's active dry yeast (all natural) in a packet of 3 the packets look kind of like th epackets the hagens came in. from what im not sure if this is the right kind or not. next thing i was reading on internet aid if u mix to much yeast with sugar it will explode. so im here asking for help from peopel that make there own co2 using the hagen bottle withhagen bubble counter thing how they make it ane th eamount of sugar yeast an dwater to put in or if i just do same thing as i been befo fill sugar up to th e1st line then pour th ewhole packet of yeast in the water to the other line or what i do so befor i make a mess i want to make sure im doing it the right way. thanks
Fill with sugar to the first line, then fill with luke warm water to near the top ... lid on and shake well to mix the sugar in.

(optional) Open lid ... add teaspoon on Bicarbonate of Soda ... close lid shake again.

Open lid ... add 1/4 teaspoon of Fast action bread yeast, I use the "Hovis" brand (yellow packet same size as Nutrafins) give a "gentle shake" ... close lid ... hook up to tubing with diffuser ... wait for bubbles :good: Usually with that mix it only takes about 30 minutes for the first bubble and lasts roughly 2 weeks :)

You can use brewers yeast too I think but I've never tried :look:

What the packet looks like:
okay thanks so will the one i have work says active dry yeast by fleishmann's
thanks got it working works alot nicer then the piece of crap that comes in the hagen packets ty u were very helpful there
yea works greatalot more bps to old one had maybe 2-3 bubbles a minute just in the counter thing this one is kind of constant. ill try to remember the fast acting bread yeast next time when i need more.
Now this is interesting as my other hobby is brewing so as you can imagine I've used alot of yeast.
What you need to remember about yeast is it's a living thing and needs to be treatedas such, chlorine in water can cause it to be less efficient as can wring temp ranges (18-29c is optimum range) the hotter yeast is the faster it consumes sugar and produces co2 and alcohol.
Different sugars ferment at different rates but you should avoid sugar made from beets as it isn't fully fermentable.
Most yeast law won't concern you lot as you only want the gas but there will certainly be ways to boost your production.

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