Co2 Experiment


New Member
Aug 15, 2008
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So my job is centered around climate change which makes me feel a bit hypocritical when I come home and fill up my DIY CO2 kit especially just for my fish tank, so I started wondering if there was anyway I could make better use of it.

I therefore have used Ginger and Raisin infused water in this fortnights mix in the hope that by the time the yeast starts to perish I will have a nice bottle of ginger wine. I will take it off after 10 days and air tight seal it to get some natural carbonation.

Anyone ever tried anything like this? What are my odds of finishing the experiment still alive?

Hope all goes well, that sounds awesome.

Even if ginger wine wouldn't be my beverage of choice :sick:.

When I used DIY CO2 all I remember is that the mixture at the end kinda smelt like somebody had blended mouldy bread with whisky or something.

You'll probably want to test what proof it is first with a cheap brewing hydrometer.

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