Have been looking at the design by Tom Barr for diffusing Co2 via a power head thus creating tiny Co2 bubbles. With this in mind I got to thinking how something could be made to give the same result but look a little more pleasing to the eye.
Since I'm already in discussion with scientific glass manufacturers about glass intake and outlets I thought I'd see what they could make to solve my problem.
Heres the idea - please comment if you think that it would be useless
Basic design is a power head situated onto a glass tube that would hold a spiral for the Co2 to part diffuse through, the remaining bubbles should then pass through the power head and be reduced into a fine mist.
length of tube is up for debate at the moment as this I suspect would have an influence on the size of the end bubble. There would also be a hole at the bottom of the spiral for water intake.
Will it work or is my head just going off in all directions?

The image is a bit wrong as the tube was actually a double spiral snaffled from a PDF doc
Since I'm already in discussion with scientific glass manufacturers about glass intake and outlets I thought I'd see what they could make to solve my problem.
Heres the idea - please comment if you think that it would be useless
Basic design is a power head situated onto a glass tube that would hold a spiral for the Co2 to part diffuse through, the remaining bubbles should then pass through the power head and be reduced into a fine mist.
length of tube is up for debate at the moment as this I suspect would have an influence on the size of the end bubble. There would also be a hole at the bottom of the spiral for water intake.
Will it work or is my head just going off in all directions?

The image is a bit wrong as the tube was actually a double spiral snaffled from a PDF doc