Co2 Diffusion


Fish Crazy
Oct 16, 2004
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Have been looking at the design by Tom Barr for diffusing Co2 via a power head thus creating tiny Co2 bubbles. With this in mind I got to thinking how something could be made to give the same result but look a little more pleasing to the eye.

Since I'm already in discussion with scientific glass manufacturers about glass intake and outlets I thought I'd see what they could make to solve my problem.

Heres the idea - please comment if you think that it would be useless

Basic design is a power head situated onto a glass tube that would hold a spiral for the Co2 to part diffuse through, the remaining bubbles should then pass through the power head and be reduced into a fine mist.
length of tube is up for debate at the moment as this I suspect would have an influence on the size of the end bubble. There would also be a hole at the bottom of the spiral for water intake.

Will it work or is my head just going off in all directions?


The image is a bit wrong as the tube was actually a double spiral snaffled from a PDF doc
Should work, but did you ever think of connecting the c02 tube into the air tube connector on the powerhead? It might have some sucking power, but it wouldn't be able to suck up any yeast into your water. Your idea is a really good idea, I don't see how anything wrong could happen, other than the c02 bubbles being too big at the end and causing a lot of noise.
hi ste_j, i was also browsing thru tom's papers and debates on this mist theory for better plant growth, whew i got exhaustes just understanding why it should and should not work.... basically aiming to get better water circulation and tiny co2 bubbles (that provide higher ppm of co2 compared to water) [ this is what i understood about the theory initially] that circulate aroudn the tank is the key, i doubt the ladder diffuser would be much of a help compared to just connecting the co2 line directly to the powerhead intake, it would be better to use an airston or ceramic disc just like what he suggested..

Also if you take a loot at the venturi design you posted earlier (i think its the same image as that of tom barrs right?) it creates tiny bubbles by blasting co2 into the chamber of water at high speed and forcing those bubbles out to go around in the aquarium... this is achieved by the water intake of the powerhead sucking co2 from the chamber itself where the co2 has accumulated... thus the venturi design....

im still reading the debates, its pretty long total of 16 pages i think.... i am yet to fully understand it!

hope this helps
this is achieved by the water intake of the powerhead sucking co2 from the chamber itself where the co2 has accumulated... thus the venturi design....

Yeah been looking at that and I have a maxijet 600 with the venturi on the outlet so minor adjustment needed. Problem with that design is the look. Basically it requires having a 6" x 2" or so tube in your tank - Not the best looking thing to have

The design above works in principle the same way - Co2 diffuses in the glass tube and is smashed out by the power head. I reckon that if the spiral is short enough you should get enough surface area on the bubble to work, if you get what I mean. This also has the advantage of holding both theories in the same place i.e some say that diffusion is better although tom tends to suggest that the thickness of this liquid is harder for the plants to take in. others of course dispute this, as such I have a mixture of both

I don't see how anything wrong could happen, other than the c02 bubbles being too big at the end and causing a lot of noise.

Hence the spiral reducing the size as the Co2 diffuses

In terms of how it looks I'd rather have a 22mm glass tube than a 2"

How are talks going with the glass blowers?
i recently had my glass diffuser sitting right below a purposely placed power head that sucked all the tiny bubbles from my diffuser in and chopped them up even more and shot them all around the tank,i could see thousands of tiny bubbles or more flying around my tank....the thing is i saw no difference.... and after removing my powerhead and just used the diffuser,within hours my plants were pearling again..they were before but i thought the powerhead would make a difference but i saw none...just my 2cents..actually i couldnt see them pearling with the powerhead..too much water blowing around..
hmm my only concern is that the bubbles bubbling out of the ladder diffuser would still be of a considerable size and when it is chucked into the powerhead, the bubble size will decrease but not that much.....

altough i must say you should try it out.. you have a point there! i looked at the venturi design and said to myself ... this would look ugly inside an aquarium !! btw how is the glass inlet oulet project of yours going ?
hmm my only concern is that the bubbles bubbling out of the ladder diffuser would still be of a considerable size and when it is chucked into the powerhead, the bubble size will decrease but not that much.....

altough i must say you should try it out.. you have a point there! i looked at the venturi design and said to myself ... this would look ugly inside an aquarium !! btw how is the glass inlet oulet project of yours going ?

I think the spiral should reduce the size by quite a bit - remember there should be a longer run in a spiral than a ladder.

Glass project is just awaiting a reply for the final vers :D hee hee there have been about 3 so far but the prices are so good that I want to see how far I can push this hence the Co2 idea!!

danski chances are I'll get sick of the thousands of tiny bubbles as well but you have to try these things out first to know!
yes yes yes..i was really sick of seeing the bubbles flying around and the tank just didnt look clear with all the bubbles..i didnt think about mentioning that but its exactly what happened to me..

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