CO2 and filter placement question


Jun 14, 2004
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In my 3 foot tank, I have 2 filters running at one foot intervals.

A Penguin 170 provides 170GPH on the left, and an AquaClear 50 (formerly 200) pumps out 200 GPH on the right.

I want to keep my Hagen/Nutrafin C02 ladder on the right wall of the tank, nearer to the AC 50, but I'm worried that the CO2 won't be evenly dispersed throughout the tank... It'll also be easier for me to check the bubbles, plus the plants won't get in the way of the ladder and potentially disrupt the flow of CO2.

It would be better if I placed it in the middle I guess, but I have no plants that can cover the ladder, and I don't like it catching my eye every time I look at my tank.

So my question is, will it make any difference where I place the ladder? I don't want the plants in the right side of my tank all looking vibrant and healthy, but the ones on the left...
Once you keep the surface agitation to a minimum this should not be a problem the co2 will remain in the water long enough for the plants to make use of it.
Thanks for your help zig.

I've just placed the ladder to the right side of the tank.

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