Co-habitation With Other Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jan 27, 2006
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I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with community tanks and what fish were in with their betta.
I had a 10 gallon that was reduced to 2 female guppies and a SAE. I have 2 Bettas and wanted to give them more room. The blue one has been in with the guppies for a month now with no problems at all.

I tried the pink one in a 30 gal community tank and about 30 secs in, he was battling the 4 Black Skirt Tetras. And the tetras were the instigators. I was wondering if anyone has suggestions or success stories. I fear I may just pick up another 10 gallon for the pink one.. just running out of room to put aquariums. :)

I just cant bring myself to keep bettas in anything smaller than 10 gallon tanks. I've had them in various sizes. And always, the larger the tank the more movement and activity these guys get up to. And odd enough the blue on I have likes hanging in the spray bar flow and swimming against it for a while.

Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
my betta lives with:
- mollies
- platies
- rasboras
- loaches
- catfishes
- corys
- and loads of snails!
Panda Cories! They are playful and not easily bullied by the betta's threat displays. Pretty soon the betta will be foraging the bottom with them. :p
I've had mine with white clouds, snails, ghost shrimp, corys and cherry barbs with no problems (these were my more passive bettas though, didn't try it with the couple of others that I have). I've heard tetras are a big no-no because they tend to be so nippy and can't resist the bettas long fins. I've also heard guppies are not the greatest because they're bright colors are like a red cape to a bull around a betta.
I've had my girls in with Platy's Rosy Red Minnows, a Pleco (Not advisable per your tank size)

Platys: Getting along with with my girls... tried adding them to my males tank and they got chased all over the place, so I moved them back. *Pets silly agressive male*

Rosy Reds: They were fine at first... I started with 5. Caught one of them nipping at my girls fins and he became Oscar food. Eventually, all the others became Oscar food for the same reason, though the 'little' one I had gotten (Smallest of 5) didn't start nipping at them until he was about 3/4ths inch long. (about a month and a half.)

Pleco: gets along fine, though my newest girl flares at him every time he moves. XD
I've got a betta in my180 litre tank with mollies,neons, swords, a plec, cherry barbs and black widows. I've also got one in my 96 litre tank with platys, guppies anda molly :)
... And I've had around 5 bettas in a tank with a couple of tetras and bottomdwellers (not the bettas at the same time, of course), and within 2 weeks they've become Hannibal Lecter.
My betta shares his tank w/ 3 snails... he doesn't like anything else in the tank unless it's food (or my hand which I'm sure he sometimes thinks is food... or just likes nibbling me)

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