Co 2 Or Not?


New Member
Sep 27, 2011
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ok I have a problem.I started cycling my new 64L tank 2days and I think its going ok.... still have 4to5ppm ammonia,7ph,and got 0.25ppm nitrite tonight,so thats going ok i think....Problem is I stupidly planted the tank before starting, and now my plants are looking a bit sick,due to hoow im cycling I think, little light,little oxygen via airstone, and reluctant to add any plant food as this would confuse my results. I am running it with hardly any light and limited oxygen to try and minimise algae,which is creeping up.

Basically what is the least bad for algae, more oxygen,more light? Orshould I add some plant food? Or maybe co2 would help plant situation. Im reluctant to add co2 as it will lower ph further from 7.ideally id like 7.5 (best for bacteria growth?) Can I add anything to raise ph,coral sand?

I dont want my plants to die,but I also dont want bad algae....Basically what should i be doing to achieve these goals??? Any advice truly appreciated!!
oh i meant to say, the reason Im adding the oxygen via the airstone is because I read oxgenated water is best for bacteria growth....

Trying to breed bacteria, keep plants alive and not get algae seems to a tall order, can it be done

Or im thinking of just pulling the plants out, turing the lights off, and getting the airstone on full power and just buy new plants at the end. Would this be the sensible thing to do, or should I try to achieve bacteria, plants and zero algae...? I like a challenge!!

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