Cluster Above Left Eye


New Member
Jan 16, 2006
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The picture isnt that great since fish are constantly moving it is hard to take a good pic of it. But if you look right above his can see a bulge.

Any idea what this could be?
It, to me, looks like a cluster of zits or something (comparing to human). It's not quite an ulcer or anything like that, but it appears to be getting bigger.

I have used APPLUS Anti-Fungus and APPLUS Anti-Bacteria. Neither have appeared to do anything to help.

Please help anyone!!!
He looks bad.

I had a white betta with a similar thing i cant really see your pic but it was small at first kinda likea small tumor and it got so ####ing huge the poor fish couldnt swim after awhile it ended up killing him. I've heard other stories of this and as far as i know there is no cure it's kinda like fish cancer.
thats pretty scarey.
Is it contagious????
He isnt the only fish in the tank!!!!

I dunno mine wasnt in another tank i was gunna put him in my community tank but i didnt cause i didnt want others to look like that it took a long time for him to die tho it just kept gettin bigger kinda looked like one of them mutated goldfish.
oh my goodness.
wish i knew what it was called.
then i could reseearch it.
thanks a bunch for your info :D .

anyone else know anything about this????
well i cant help you if its serious like a tumor but,if its just a skin irritation try some banana leaves.they will heal up almost anything.(except cancer :shout: ).thats the downside to owning fish isnt it.
you can have one for ages,your best fish and then they get something like this and die.its totally out of our hands.thats SUCKS! :angry:
I can't really tell from the pic, but it could also be an internal parasite infection. Some parasites burrow under the scales. You can try PraziPro or any medicine that has acraflavine in it for internal parasites. If it is parasites, he needs to be isolated so your other fish don't catch them. If it is tumors, there is nothing that can be done but keep him comfortable. I had one girl that lived with several in her stomach for about six months.
Does it look like a cluster of berries or a cauliflower.
more like a cluster of berries....
you know anything?

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