

Fish Crazy
Sep 2, 2005
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Essex - UK
:hyper: I never knew that clowns actually lay down on the sand to sleep!

Woke up the other morning (and today) and he was laying on the bottom of the sand on his side, with hardly any colour, I turned the lights on thinking the worst and he slowly woke up and got his bright soul back!

Damn it was a scary moment!
One of mine sleeps on top of the heater, while the other sleeps on top of the powerhead (right next to each other).
Well, mine have a nice bed of cyanobacteria to cozy up on for the time being :crazy:
mine sleep near the surface of the water sideways .... its neat but my two clowns sleep on opposite sides of the tank
Clowns have unusual behavior. They can waddle, swim sideways, hang out on the surface or substrate. If you clown stays motionless on the substrate during the day, I'd be concerned. SH
my two black and white clowns sleep in a crevice in my live rock. Their color really fades away - the first time I saw it, I thought they were dead, and there goes $100 out the window. After I turned on the light they woke right up and in a few minutes their color was back.

Freaked me out too! Now I try to sneak up on them to see where they're hanging out.

The clowns are really interesting fish to have. They're very curious and come right to the front of the tank if anyone is standing there. Glad I got 'em.
Snuck up on my clowns last night, and they were both up against the water intake grate! When I turned the light on they both wiggled off, and were fine. then I turned off the main light but kept the blue lights on, and they both went back to the grate. Strange little fishies.
lol how often does a thread like this pop up?? maybe a clown fish sleeping pattern thread should be pinned :p :D

i dont ever see my clown sleep, coz he knows when i am awake he gets food soon :D
ha ha myne tried to sleep inside my urchin oddd.... but hmm i guess they had a fight n my clown moved out, but now he sleeps at the top of the water or in the frog spawn...
Hahaha i love clown fish i think they are one of the most interesting marine fish, jsut behind the lawnmower blenny
That is absolutely fascinating, who knew fish laid down to sleep?

I'm just visiting from the fw boards, it's late and there's not much happening, so I was just wandering around some of the boards I never go to. Glad I came here and saw this thread though, how interesting.

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