Clowns and shrimps


Bored into leaving
Aug 16, 2004
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Somewhere else, as I am banned...
In my current communitiy tank I have some mountain shrimp (now about 3 and 4 inches long) and when they are moved to my new tank I was thinking of getting some clown loachs. :D

I used to have a trio and they were fascinationg to watch but am somewhat concerned at their love of inverts. Is this an ok venture (if only for short term until the clowns grow bigger) or would I be best to keep them seperated? :dunno:

any thoughts from you lovely peeps?

Well, just about everyone will probably say don't do it as you did...

...but I brought ammano shrimp (small) for my community which had 5 clown loaches (3-5") and have had no problems (that was over a year ago)... Now thats not to say go ahead they'll be fine! Just you never know.... I think maybe if they have no experience of these critters as food then they don't see them as food? :/


www :)
hmm. Okay, I'll see how it goes. :look: I've got a while to go yet anyway. Need to get the new tank drilled and the sump all set up before I can start moving any of the fish from the old tank into this one.

Thanks for opinion and experience anyway. B)

How about lobsters? If I put some of Narayan's baby crayfish in there d'you think they'd just be Loach Lunch or vice versa?
Lobsters eat fish. Don't put lobsters with fish.

Loaches suck snails from there shells they dont break the shell. Shrimp arent soft and gooey like snails are.

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