

Aug 8, 2005
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hello everyone,
If all you clownfish pros could give me some advice on what's healthy and how much space a clownfish needs, how long they live etc, anything at all, that would be great because I'm interested in getting some! Thanks
There are many different species of Clownfish. These are all different. They have different compatabilities, different recquirements tank size wise. Any specific species you have in mind? It will help the clown "pros" narrow down the info they give you! There family is very broad. :nod: :)
whoops forgot to say. They are the nemos and are juvies.

Ok so our university is selling off clownfish because they are closing down their marine research thing they have going on. What they are doing is selling clowns, the nemo juvies(small ones) in a 1 gal, for a pair with sand and liverock. I guess they can survive in that no problem, but I'd definitely want to upgrade them into something bigger, but my options will be either 5 g or 10 g.
So what will they need? how do I cycle a tank? Because I'll only have a little bit of liverock and sand, how much more do I need? I really don't know anything about this fish, but I want to save some, they look adorable. All I'm used to our my bettas though, so I need any info I can get, thanks guys!

ETA: they are selling those 1 g kits for people to start with, but more as a temporary home for now, because they need to get rid of them and newbies don't have the stuff for them yet.
I think oscellaris... Not sure though... they are the small orange white ones
here's a little snippet of info i got off (which is a great place to start when you're looking for new fish, decent info and such)

The Ocellaris Clownfish, also known as the False Percula Clownfish, False Clown Anemonefish, and Anemone Demoiselle, is found associating with anemones throughout the Indo-Pacific. It can attain a length of 3.2" (8 cm) in the wild, but aquarium specimens rarely exceed 2" (5 cm) unless they are imported large. This fish is sometimes sold as the Percula Clown, even though it is not. The color pattern is very similar, but it is not as bright orange. The black outlines on the white stripes are also thinner on the Ocellaris Clown when compared to the Percula. The advantage of the Ocellaris is that it is much hardier.

It is a long-lived clownfish that is excellent for the beginner hobbyist. It does best in the presence of anemones such as Heteractis magnifica and Stichodactyla gigantea. Like the related damselfish, it is well-suited for all but the most predatory tanks.

Although there are no external characteristics to differentiate male and female, all clownfish are sexually immature when hatched. Meaning that the fry do not have a pre-determined sex, and develop into males and females depending on the hierarchy of the school. A pair will lay eggs along the base of the host anemone, using it to protect the eggs. The eggs normally appear orange in color. Without proper preparation, rearing in the average aquarium is nearly impossible.

This clownfish is an aggressive eater. It will take most meaty foods and frozen herbivore preparations.
Both types of clown needs roughly the same conditions.
I would aim for 10 gallons if you are keeping a pair, the fact that the tank may only be 1 gallon with liverock indicat3es to me that the tank is already cycled. Thus should you move them to a larger tank (as soon a possible i might add) as long as you dont add any other fish your tank will remain cycled. In the new tank you should add enough liverock until you have 10lbs min. This will give you enough biomass to run the setup effectively.
In 10 gallons you wont be able oto add much more.. probably 1 small fish extra than these but no more as they will grow much larger.

As for life expectancy... I would estimate that if conditions are good then they could reach the ripe old age of 5-7 years.
thank so much navarre, well I just found out that they aren't selling them in pairs anymore, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to get them. What kind of filter do they need and pump? I wonder where else I would be able to find liverock :/
Clown's dont really have to be in pairs, they're fine by themselves.

The Live Rock does all the filteration, thats why you should get as much as possible :)

All you need are one or two strong power heads for circulation of the tank,
But internal/external filters dont hurt either.
acctually Navarre, according to the book you put me onto ;) clowns can live upto 18 years if given a good home and proper care.

And redbetta, clowns will do great in a ten gal you can get at walmart for 30$. Mine love it.

A side note, my clowns are better beggin' for food than my friends puffers, and I thought they were the reigning kings!

*edit* The book being Joyce D Wilkersons "clownfishes" a must have for anyone with any interest in those cute little buggers at all!!
I agree, they do have longer lifespans but sadly i hardy ever hear of any living much past 8 or 9 years due to disease, or some other problems that weakened them etc. In perfect condition i am sure they would live far far longer

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