Clownfish behavior


New Member
Mar 16, 2004
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Tampa, Florida
I have a fish-only 55g tank. I have two Percula (common) clownfish.

Being a fish-only tank we have several synthetic structues and such. The main one having some false looking anenomes (spelling?) They will sometimes hover over them and do a wierd shimmy over them. It almost looks like a seizure or something.

Both clownfish eat plenty when fed and are not harassed at all by any other fish. I examined them closely and I did not see any problems and they looked completely healthy. So here are my questions.

Is this normal?
Can there be a problem even though they are eating? (I was under the belief if the fish eats it is not sick)
Maybe wigged out by a fake anenome?

Or maybe I just have weird clownfish..LOL
No, what you are seeing is a clown doing what they normaly do with a anenome.
They will get right up agaisnt a real anenome and wiggle around like they were on the dance floor. Its pretty cool to watch them interact. Dont worry, its normal.
Just adding on to what RamJet said: They do this to smear their mucus on the anemone. This way, the anemone remembers them, and does not sting them. Although the anemone is fake, they still will perform this behavior. If you don't like it, just remove the anemone. The fish will be unhappy though, if you do :lol:
thats wierd my clownfish do that shaking thing over the rock they sleep at :D . one will do it every once in a while over hes sleeping spot and the other over his sleeping spot. i guess they've adopted my rock as their anenome, lol.
since we r talkin about clownfish behavior. i noticed befor that my clownfish used to compfort my firefish when he was always scared. it was so cool, the clownfish would stroke the firefish's back when he was in his hidding place. now my firefish is less afraid of me.

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