Clownfish Anemone


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2008
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Just think of getting one dont know which one too get any suggestions.

MY tank as you know is a juwel180

1 regal tang small one other one went to lfs.

2 common clowns

1 six line

1 false gramma

2 pep shrimps

1 hermit crab

1 ? crab not hermit.
Have you done your research on nems? Ie the lighting, flow, feeding, water quality and the golden rule...having your tank been up and running for more than 6 months?
There's no definite chance of your clowns hosting in it, but they should do...mine did :D
BTAs are good to start off with, CB ones usually dont go wondering too much too :)
Theres over types of coral that you can use insead of nems, such as euphyllias like torch, frogspawn etc...but if you like nems make sure your tanks suitable :good:

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