Clown Pleco


Fish Addict
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hey guys, I've got a question about clown pleocs, I got one for free the other day for taking initative at my work, also because the fish never sells, we over price them $17.99!! outrageous!, anyways, this little guys about an inch now, and I was wondering how long it'll take him to grow? He's in my 29gallon tank...
Pretty slowly i reckon, depends on water changes, diet etc, i have had mine for about 4 months now and tbh i haven't noticed much growth at all, seems to be fairly consistent with all panaque dentex sp.
okay thanks much, good to know... I read on a profile of him that he needs algea waffers and sinking pellet food, so I'll be feeding him the waffers and shrimp pellets, I'm pretty diligent with the water changes, atleast 2 per week of 25-35%, any additional information from anybody would be appriciated...

Oh also does anybody know the lifespan of these fish?
Dont go overboard on the shrimp pellets, panaques even more than other sp. of plecos have trouble digesting protein. Algae wafers (check protein amounts , wardleys are good) are good, supplemented with fresh veg 3-4 times a week and you need wood in the tank, its an essential part of there diet.
don't forget clown plecs need bogwood in their diet.
well aware, no worries ^^ okay so not overboard on shrimp pellets... like what 1-2 pellets a week? also I'm using Hikari Algea waffers... pretty good nutrition wise ^^
I found Hikari have quite a lot of fish protein in them (read ingredients - the closer to the beginning fish is, the more fish is in it). I prefer the Tropical brand (can get it really cheap loose on Ebay - in date too), cant find Wardleys anywhere. Oh and Tetras newer pleco wafers seem to be pretty good too (ingredients wise).
Had mine now for 18 months, hardly ever see it tbh, it hasn`t grown much in lenght but it has one fat belly, dont quite know how has it seems to miss the feeds i put in!
At my LFS, Clown plecos are $7.99 .

Same here.

Had mine now for 18 months, hardly ever see it tbh, it hasn`t grown much in lenght but it has one fat belly, dont quite know how has it seems to miss the feeds i put in!

Do you have any wood for it in the tank to eat (whats sorts of wood too)? Keeping them in groups will encourage them to be more active.

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