Clown plec


Oct 29, 2004
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I have a clown plec, who is soon to be moved into a larger tank I've been trying to get some info on their behaviour, as I've had conflicting advice on whether he should be kept with other clown plecs or not.

Can anybody help a very confused newbie :unsure:
Clown plecs don't school, but they can survive together provided that each fish has it's own territory in the tank.

How big is the tank you plan to put them in?
Its a 40 UK gall tank (180 litres)- I was planning just to keep him with other types of fish - but then I was told they do better in a group. I always thought they were fairly territorial, hence just the one.
I'm no plec expert but i assume a couple more would be ok provided there were no other similar bottom dwellers like b'nose plecs, but i stand to be corrected if i'm worng :nod:
I would gte just one 1 of them then you can get other plecs that you may fancy in the future.

Although if you really like them i reakon you could get away with about 5 in that size tank.

Please note they they are very unlikely to touch the algae and require a lot of wood.
Hi, I've got what I always thought was a candy stripe plec, but I'm pretty sure now that he's a Clown. Anyway, mine is very shy and lives in a fake log, along with my adult King Tiger plec, they're always in there together and they get on fine, the clown sticks to the roof and King Tiger takes up the rest of the space. I also have a BN in the same tank and have no probs over territory.
Well I did'nt really want to get any more anyway, as I hardly ever see mine - he is very shy and darts off the minute I approach the tank. If I had a tank of them and nothing else, it would look empty :blink: I just wanted to make sure I was'nt being baaaad by only having one all on his ownsome.
No, he'll be fine on his own or with other plecs.

Have a look at the L28 it has beautiful markings, brown with really clear white dots, it looks as though someone's painted them on him. He seems to be the boldest of my plecs and he's the smallest too!
We've had a clown pleco for 7, maybe 8 years, with no other clowns. He now resides in a tank of overly excited juvinile cichlids, some wierd anabantoides, a syno, and a rubbernose pleco :D I'm going to go check on him now...haven't seen him lately :shifty:
Thx everyone - I guess Lemmy will remain King of his cave and by himself. He will have to learn to get along with the cories I plan on getting when the big tank is ready, though :) :nod:

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