Clown Plec


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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i just bought two 1.5inch clown plecs. i have a fry tank that could do with a clean for a day or 2. it is only 38 litre with quite a few platy and molly fry in it (they are only 2 weeks) i take it the plecs wont bother the fry and visa versa. also i can use this time as a form of quarantine. is this a good idea? any other info on these plecs would be good. need answer asap! to avoid stress to fish. thanks
wot decorations do u have in the tank ie wood etc clowns are wood eating plecs and u will need wood for them 2 thrive and survive various types is always beter aswell i cant see them botherin ur fry 2 much unless ur fly just sit on the bottom of tank plec im sure would just suck them up if they happen 2 get in there way :p

thanks jen, i dont have any wood in my fry tank but i have bits lying around so i can wash a bit and shove it in.

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