Clown Plec?


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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Hey you guys, I bought a clown plec on impuls about 3 months ago, and I was told they grow about 4 inches.
My little guy hasn't seemed to grow at all since I got him, and I'm alittle worried about hi larger tank mates.
Any info on this guy would be fantastic!
You can see who he lives with in my profile, he's in a 55G... ;)
Not the writer of this info

Clown Pleco These plec will grow upto about 3inches. 25 gal is minimum size for as they get approx 3 inches, the mega clown gets about 4.5 inches and is an omnivore. ( minimum size for them is about 30 gal)
They need other Clown in the tank with them, idealy a speices tank. Again nite plecs, so althou they will be seen in the day most of the time will be spent active at nite.
The Clowns are classed as peacefull plec's they need a wood diet , will clean your tank of algae in a few days!( they need algae tabs and other foods as well as bogwood). A small group of 6 of these would be ideal.

So maybe the reason he hides alot is because you need more of them.
Hmhmhm. The only problem is that they are expansive! $9.00 :crazy:
Thats not to bad I almost paid that much for my pleco he was like $7.95.
yeah, but yours is a commen, I've seen those at 9" selling for $4 just s the store could get rid of them.
I wonder where I can buy them cheaper?
Internet maybe? Or you could look around for a lfs store that is either getting a new shipment and need to get rid of the other fish and see if they have a clown pleco for discount price or a lfs that is closing down and has fish on discount.

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