clown loaches


The Hairy Potter
Mar 21, 2005
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I went to one of my lfs and saw the owner bagging a clown loach. It was by itself so i asked if they liked to be in groups. His answer was no they prefer to be alone. They are a lot like rtbs in that respect. Is he full of ummm feces or am I stupid?
He's full of proverbial bull's excretions....

Clown loaches love to be in groups, they are VERY social fish, as are most loaches. A group of 3+ is reccomended, althouth the bigger the group the better they do!

I suggest you inform the shop keeper of his misleading information, if he tells you that you are wrong then simply laugh at him and inform him that he should read up on his fish if he wants any respect gained from you.

thanks. I feel like crap because I wasn't sure. That poor clown. he's all alone now. Will they be ok on there own. At least I made sure the woman who bought him knew he grew over a foot. BTW how big do they get. I should probably just look in the index.

12" or less I was wrong but not too wrong.
A realistic size for aquariums is 10" maximum, although really old ones will probably get bigger!... Just remember they live for at least 15 years, so take a while to get to a big size.

Just don't be afraid to confront people in your LFS, or to tell them that they are doing something wrong or that they have wasted their money etc. Just make sure what you are telling them is the best and most accurate knowledge you can give!

we now have 7 and they like their own company soo much we found all of them jammed into a 2" diameter hole about 6" long in a bit of bog wood... :rolleyes:

they all lounge about leaning on each other now we've blocked the hole up
(we didnt want them to get stuck)

definatly not loners
Can't trust most people working at fish stores, usually they have the mind of a 2 year old when it comes to fish.

By the way, he's wrong :p
lol....clown are very social fish. Alone it would probaly die. They usually reach 8 inches but 12 inches can be reached just get a big tank.

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