clown loaches


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2005
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i have brown algae in my tank its mostly on the walls and on the rocks thier isnt alot of it but theirs a fair bit would 1 clown loach be ok for a 30 gallon and would it keep it clean or should i get a clown loach and a pleco. or just a pleco and if so what is a good pleco
Clown Loaches won't really take care of the algae, not to mention they should be in a group of 4, and they shouldn't really be kept in a tank smaller than 55 gallons. There are a lot of smaller Plecos you can get, like the rubber nose pleco :)
Brown "algae" is not algae, it is almost always caused by diatoms, and is often a sign of insufficient light in the tank. A small plec or Ancistrus will eat it.
sufficient = enough
insufficient = not enough.
so do oto's. I have 6 and they cleaned the tank in 5 days (55G). I have to add algae wafers for them now :D !

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