clown loaches


Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hi all

2day i purchased 2 just under 1" clown loaches

i was planning on keeping them in a small floating tank till they grow a lil bigger

will they be ok in there till they are a lil bigger??

what do you mean by a small floating tank?

are you aware that clowns grow really fast up to 6" and then the growth rate slows down to about an 1" a year, and that they can reach up to 12" and live for a very long time?
are you also aware tha clowns ned to be in groups of at least 4 and that they eventually will need a tank at least 60 gallons?

If yo are ware of the above facts, sorry to say them again.

yes i am aware of everythink you have just told me

i do research before i buy any fish

all im asking if if they would be ok in there till they are a lil larger im not saying they are going to be in the floating tank there hole lifes

if i put them in there tank now they have a gd chance of being eaten only because they ainght even an inch in length yet

how long is the longest that you would think they would be ok in a floating tank for??

i only doing it for them to not get eaten

Well first off, no they can't be kept in that small of a space. Second, you should have at least 4.

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