clown loaches


New Member
Dec 26, 2004
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Western Australia
Hey ppls i got some clown loaches and just curious what everyone else feeds them

i normally feed them flakes and leeave a peice of cucumber on the bottom of the tank for them to nibble on :)

and once a week all my fish will get brine shrimp

what is everyone else feeding theirs ????
They LOVE small snails, that has to be my loaches favorite.

Congrats on your new family members ;)
Sounds like your are after some food advice lust! :p

Anyways, my guys loved blood worm and brineshrimp. Frozen and live. They also went for any flake.

I feed my guys frozen bloodworm and BS evryday (almost), why do you only feed them once a week? Yuop can buy frozen food. Just remember to defrost it in a small cup of tank water first.
I've also had them eat a little bit of seedless grape, but they didn't really care for it.
mr_miagi32 said:
Sounds like your are after some food advice lust! :p

Anyways, my guys loved blood worm and brineshrimp. Frozen and live. They also went for any flake.

I feed my guys frozen bloodworm and BS evryday (almost), why do you only feed them once a week? Yuop can buy frozen food. Just remember to defrost it in a small cup of tank water first.
its just a treat i guess (its a community tank also )
Brine shrimp or snails would get my pick. Loaches seem to love them.

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