Clown loaches


Neptune, god of the Sea
Aug 7, 2004
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Something weird I noticed about my clowns: up till now I had 2 small ones from Petco (which recently had ich that I cured 'em of), and yesterday I introduced a bigger one from a different LFS. He seems to have taken leadership of the group now. Anyway, I noticed that my 2 little ones always rest with their dorsal fin folded down, while the big one's is always erect, like he's constantly on alert, on the lookout for danger. Is this just the pack mentality of the species, with the leader of the group being the sentry and keeping the others safe? Or should I be worried? any advice on this subject would be greatly appreciated.
Do not fear Clown Loach Lady is here! *Trys to take flying pose and bangs head*
Erm the bigger one probably treats the smaller ones as if they're its little fry. Thats what mine did before I got Whitespot :rip: Clown Loaches.

They used to look after them and make sure they got enough food and stuff so don't worry they'll be fine.
Ok thanks. Can I have any confirmation on this from someone else. (Never hurts to get a second opinion).
IME, If a clown loach lowers its dorsal fin it usually means it's sick or water conditions are not favorable. I'd check for parasites, bacterial infections, like tail rot and do a large water change.

You should Quarantine all new fish before putting them in your main tank.
I think what David might have meant is that the smaller, less dominant clowns have their dorsla fins lower, not that they are completely down all the time. I experience exactly the same thing; my two smaller clowns are more subdued and their dorsal fins are rarely fully raised. The biggest one always has his (hers?) fully erect, and flashes his colors a lot.
Yes that is what's happening. My two small ones often have their dorsal fins lowered when resting, but erect when cruising. the big dominant one always has his erect.
It's probably a dominance thing. I've also noticed that with my otos, some suck on the glass/rest with their dorsal up, and some down. Sometimes they alternate :p The loaches should be fine though, as I said it's probably a dominance thing where the big guy is the Alpha loach. :D
Ok cool I'm not worried anymore. OMG I found one of them, the medium-sized one, lying on his side just now! I got so scared lol until I remembered that they like to do that. :lol:

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