Clown loaches

I keep mine in:


I don't measure GH or KH I just go by PH. This may not be a popular opinion but generally speaking if you have solid KH it prevents your ph from changing as quickly. My PH doesn't fluctuate. I've always been successful in keeping them in essentially neutral water.

I've taken my temps up to 86⁰ with them to treat for ich and they were fine so I know they can tolerate higher temps. Ive had a heater crap out and the water got down to 60⁰ for a few days and fortunately they survived but i wouldnt recommend it. Lowest i would go would be 76⁰. They say ph range is from 5.0-8.0 but I've never kept them in anything lower than 6.8 up to 7.8.

Theyre considered a scaleless (they actually do have small scales embedded in their skin) fish and most do not recommend using salt for treatment but I've used salt successfully forever. As long as you follow dosing directions you'll be fine.

Theyre in my top 3 fish to keep because they are so much fun. Their antics and complete oblivious behavior makes for a show every time you glance into your tank. They are not scared of any other fish I've ever seen them kept with and are like a little brother to their tank mates, you know always in your business and super annoying lol.

They are ravenous and will outcompete slow feeding fish so that's something to be mindful of. Mine actually take food from the mouths of other fish if they don't get it down fast enough. Got a snail problem? Get some loaches all you'll see is empty shells lol.

They grow to be quite large and unfortunately most are sold to people with smaller tanks that won't be sufficient for their forever homes. I have 7 in a 180g and I feel like I need to get a larger tank. My largest is 9". They also can live for 30 years but ive heard some people have had them even longer. Mine are 13-14 years old.

Great fish and tons of fun.
GH below 150ppm.
pH between 6.5-7.5
Temperature around 24-26C (75-80F)

As mentioned above, they grow big (up to 10-12 inches) and live in groups. Females get bigger and fatter than males. A dominant female will rule the group. You need to keep at least 6 of them and preferably more. Minimum size tank for a group of adults is 6 foot long x 2 foot wide x 2 foot high and 8-10 foot tanks are better for them.

In my opinion, these fish should not be sold because of their size and their need for company. Most people simply cannot provide a suitable sized tank for them. Silver (bala) sharks are another fish that shouldn't be sold.
I keep mine in:


I don't measure GH or KH I just go by PH. This may not be a popular opinion but generally speaking if you have solid KH it prevents your ph from changing as quickly. My PH doesn't fluctuate. I've always been successful in keeping them in essentially neutral water.

I've taken my temps up to 86⁰ with them to treat for ich and they were fine so I know they can tolerate higher temps. Ive had a heater crap out and the water got down to 60⁰ for a few days and fortunately they survived but i wouldnt recommend it. Lowest i would go would be 76⁰. They say ph range is from 5.0-8.0 but I've never kept them in anything lower than 6.8 up to 7.8.

Theyre considered a scaleless (they actually do have small scales embedded in their skin) fish and most do not recommend using salt for treatment but I've used salt successfully forever. As long as you follow dosing directions you'll be fine.

Theyre in my top 3 fish to keep because they are so much fun. Their antics and complete oblivious behavior makes for a show every time you glance into your tank. They are not scared of any other fish I've ever seen them kept with and are like a little brother to their tank mates, you know always in your business and super annoying lol.

They are ravenous and will outcompete slow feeding fish so that's something to be mindful of. Mine actually take food from the mouths of other fish if they don't get it down fast enough. Got a snail problem? Get some loaches all you'll see is empty shells lol.

They grow to be quite large and unfortunately most are sold to people with smaller tanks that won't be sufficient for their forever homes. I have 7 in a 180g and I feel like I need to get a larger tank. My largest is 9". They also can live for 30 years but ive heard some people have had them even longer. Mine are 13-14 years old.

Great fish and tons of fun.
Thank you for your response. I always loved em cause besides being pretty they r so hyper than makes em super fun to watch.

Why do you use salt for ?

You have a 180G tank ? I didn't know they sell tanks that large, I will get a 125 G soon.

Thanks again for response. Advice brother
Thank you for your response. I always loved em cause besides being pretty they r so hyper than makes em super fun to watch.

Why do you use salt for ?

You have a 180G tank ? I didn't know they sell tanks that large, I will get a 125 G soon.

Thanks again for response. Advice brother

Ive used salt to treat for ich.
My 7 are kept in ph of about 6.5 my GH and KH is too low and the temp is about 29 as there are discus in there also

Brilliant fish by the way one of my favourites and easy enough to keep just need space, hideouts and food
I have 9 in a 150 gal. It was 10 but I lost my largest which I had for over 20 years. She was almost 12 inches. I found her floating dead about 18 months ago. Clowns may be my favorite fish and it is killing me to have to sell them all on as part of my downsizing. I cannot continue to need a ladder so I can work on/in their tank. I already closed the 125

My pH is neutral, my TDS from the tap range from 53 ppm at the lowest after an extended period of heavy rains to a high of about 110 which is where they were when I set up my first tank in Jan 2001. I keep them at about 80-82 F because I also have redline barbs with them and they would prefer it a bit cooler.

These pictures were taken before the death of the biggest clown:


edited for a typo and to change in to on/in
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