clown loaches


New Member
May 24, 2004
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how big do they grow and has anybody got any that big becasue i just got 2 for a 24inch tank.. the shop asid 6-8cm and books and internet say different
They can grow to about a 12" in the wild, and 6-9" in captivity isn't unheard of, they can get bigger than that provided they have a big enough tank.
My biggest one is about 6.5" in a 75 gallon, and still growing.
IMO clowns need a lot of space to grow properly. do you plan on upgrading your tank eventually?
AquaSeaFoam said:
They can grow to about a 12" in the wild, and 6-9" in captivity isn't unheard of, they can get bigger than that provided they have a big enough tank.
My biggest one is about 6.5" in a 75 gallon, and still growing.
IMO clowns need a lot of space to grow properly. do you plan on upgrading your tank eventually?
no cus i'm happy with the size ive got.
Clowns reach 12" in captivity but wild specimens have been seen at 14" apparently. They will grow fast to 4-6" then slow down dramatically, but you should still be aware of their potentail size.
ryan said:
Clowns reach 12" in captivity but wild specimens have been seen at 14" apparently. They will grow fast to 4-6" then slow down dramatically, but you should still be aware of their potentail size.
i agree with ryan (id love to see a 14" specimin)
clown loach should be keep in groups in a large tank i have 7 that will soon be in a tank of there own (150 uk gal just for the clown loach)@ the mo they are in a 100gal with a few other fish

:crazy: sorry did not realize this post was soo old" :crazy:

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