Clown loaches


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, UK
Every time I get rid of white spot, it seems to return again within a couple of weeks.
I always put the temp up to 85f and treat the tank with a treatment, it goes and comes back again. It only seems to be the clowns that get it.
I know their prone to it but why so often?
My waters fine, I do a 10 % weekly change and hover every 2 weeks?

Any ideas please?
How long do you treat for each time? The life cycle of ich is 21 days but less of the temp is put up to about 82F.

You need to treat for at least 14 days if the temp is put up, ich is only effected by meds in the free swimming stage of the life cycle. This is when the spots have gone. So, when many people think it has gone (ie. the spots have gone) is actually when it's most important to treat.

It could be that you never got rid of it in the first place.

What are your parameters? Bad evels can lead to stress and make fish more suseptable to ich.
Cheese Specialist said:
How long do you treat for each time? The life cycle of ich is 21 days but less of the temp is put up to about 82F.

You need to treat for at least 14 days if the temp is put up, ich is only effected by meds in the free swimming stage of the life cycle. This is when the spots have gone. So, when many people think it has gone (ie. the spots have gone) is actually when it's most important to treat.

It could be that you never got rid of it in the first place.

What are your parameters? Bad evels can lead to stress and make fish more suseptable to ich.
The paremeters are fine, I will do an extra dose after the last one this time, just to make sure its long enought.
I has exactly the same problem, water params etc fine but it took nearly 4 weeks to completely get rid of Ich. Kepp the temp raised for as long as you can and check the med instructions carefully. I used Interpet anti whitespot plus treatment which requires a second dose 4 days after the first, although I has to apply approx 6 treatments.

Be careful not to overdo it though as your Clowns are very sensitive to meds etc.

Hope this helps and good luck
Try expanding their diet, it's amazing how hardy well fed fish can be :)
Hi all, I put in about a quarter dose rid ich, a quarter dose anti fungus and a dose of fish tonic on a monthly basis, and I have not had a problem yet touch he touches his :rofl: , I don't know if this is right but I'd rather be safe than sorry
Ferris said:
I has exactly the same problem, water params etc fine but it took nearly 4 weeks to completely get rid of Ich. Kepp the temp raised for as long as you can and check the med instructions carefully. I used Interpet anti whitespot plus treatment which requires a second dose 4 days after the first, although I has to apply approx 6 treatments.

Be careful not to overdo it though as your Clowns are very sensitive to meds etc.

Hope this helps and good luck
I think thats what Iam going to do, did you just add another treatment 4 days after the second one etc?
wuvmybetta said:
Try expanding their diet, it's amazing how hardy well fed fish can be :)
My fish it a very vairyed diet.
Live brineshrimp
frozen brineshrimp
frozen bloodworm
sinking pellets

anything really, if they eat it, they get it again
It is true that clowns also need there water to be kept at a certain hardness/softness, Ph, or something to that nature..............maybe your water is a little off!!

"The tank should have a soft substrate that will allow the fishes to burrow for food. Clown Loaches will eat a wide variety of foods including: brine shrimp, bloodworms, snails, and various dried foods (The dried food should be high in protein). Rocks and roots suitably placed in the tank will provide shelter. Most clown loaches prefer homes that are only slightly larger than they are. The water should be soft and changed often."

"Clown Loaches will accept a wide variety of foods, but they are basically carnivorous, and should be fed a high protein diet. They can be fed most live and frozen foods, such as brine shrimp, bloodworm, beef heart, canned peeled prawns and other meat and fish flesh, and even cooked, skinned green peas. They are particularly fond of snails, extracting them from their shells with their pointed mouths and gobbling them up, and are often used in aquaria to control unwanted snail populations."

You may know all of that already, but there you have it!! ;)

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