clown loaches

Thomas A. Anderson

Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2002
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Recently I have noticed one of my clowns is sometimes sitting on top of my filter, and also sometimes it is lying vertically on the side of the filter in a very good imitation of a plec.
Also it sometimes rolls around in the gravel like a puppy does in the grass.

Has anyone ever noticed these practiced before. :hyper:
my clowns love it just lying in the bottom playing dead ;) and lying on top
of the filter cradle side ways , i always love watching there little antics :D
Catch this ... mine love to grab on to the top lip of the frame (no idea how) and sort of drag themselves from one end to the other on it. It sounds like someone is dragging a penny across the plastic top of the tank. weird.
:crazy: :crazy: :hyper: :hyper:

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