Clown Loaches


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
dundalk ireland
iv been keeping fish for a wile now and wanted get some clown loaches. got 2 of them and with the advice of a guy in my lfs i bought some sinking pellets. but there not one bit intrested in them they take flake from the top of my tank and rarely even go near the gravel on the bottom. they usually jus hang around on a castle i have and i was jus wondering was i ripped off or will the clowns eventually start eating the pellets as these uneaten pellets caused my stats 2 rise til i vacumed the gravel and did a water change
iv been keeping fish for a wile now and wanted get some clown loaches. got 2 of them and with the advice of a guy in my lfs i bought some sinking pellets. but there not one bit intrested in them they take flake from the top of my tank and rarely even go near the gravel on the bottom. they usually jus hang around on a castle i have and i was jus wondering was i ripped off or will the clowns eventually start eating the pellets as these uneaten pellets caused my stats 2 rise til i vacumed the gravel and did a water change

Mine are the opposite, along with all the others i ever had. Only eat from the gravel, and also devour them! along with cucumber. They make the clicking noise when eating cucumber, which is meant to suggest they are LOVING it!
They are probably not used to eat pellets.

If you want them to eat your pellets, skip one feeding day and the next day give them only pellets.

They will eat them :good:
It is more common for loaches to eat sinking foods, but all animals are different. It is probably that they've become accustomed to eating floating food and look there first for it.

They should notice the food eventually. It is not uncommon (although not common either) for fish to miss a new food for the first couple feedings.
Depending on what the staple food of the fish has been for a given length of time, it might not even register to the loaches that the pellet is even a food. They will eventually take it, especially if there is not much else to eat.

They're more than likely just not used to getting pellets. After awhile they will start to discover them and enjoy them. My clown loaches always loved shrimp pellets.

God Bless,

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