Clown Loaches


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2006
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i decided to give myself the challenge of taking pictures of my clown loaches and let me tell ya, it was no easy task!
They look great. Yes they seem to hide or move but you have snapped them at the right moment.
I like your tank . Are the plants real?
haha nope! they're fake plants from petsmart and walmart and various places like that. thanks tho! i love my clowns, they will soon outgrow my tank and i'm saving up for a larger one :)
Nice clown loaches mate :good: . I upgraded my tank to 95 gallon to put mine in. I was lucky enough to get ahold of two 8 inch ones for 25 for two!

It's the girlfriend that loves them

The only think I dislike about them they're very very destructive with the plants, they're like lawnmowers :hyper: . Everyday I wake up I have to replant the tank :angry:

It took about 8 months, but now all the clown loaches trust me and let me approach the tank. Two tiny ones sometimes let me hand feed with shrimp. The big ones are a bit paranoid still though :good:
I like this fish. But i am very sad i dont from it in my country, if found by mistake will they be fine with goldies if i have a heater and everything with them. How many can i have in a 32 gal tank? thanks.
I like this fish. But i am very sad i dont from it in my country, if found by mistake will they be fine with goldies if i have a heater and everything with them. How many can i have in a 32 gal tank? thanks.

Wow, beautiful loaches stargirly1208!

No, clown loaches can't be kept with goldfish, the loaches and tropical and the goldies and coldwater, and they shouldn't be mixed. 32 gallons is too small for clown loaches, as it has been stated they do eventually get quite big.

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