Clown Loaches Worms? Velvet? Help !

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Mostly New Member
Apr 30, 2014
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I have 3 clown loaches, all of them have red streaks down their bodies, all are active, eat well and seem very happy. I'm told that these red streaks are worms, is this true? and if so what can i treat them with.  The larger of the 3 has like a whitish coat, again, he eats, plays and is not stressed in any way.  Is it velvet and how can i treat it.  I know loaches are quite sensitve so i have to be very careful.
I would appreciate any advice......thankyou
How big is the tank?

Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels? As well as pH, gH and kH.

Pictures would help identify it.
I agree we need tank size.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
How many fish and which type.
Red streaking can be septicemia.
Any signs of excess slime on body, fins, gills?
Any signs of darting,,or erratic swimming, or swimming in a jerky movement?
Any fish show signs of flicking and rubbing?.
Do any fish show signs of gasping, laboured breathing?.
Does the white on the fish look bleached out, or look like fluffy cotton wool?
Can you seen any tiny red pin prick marks on the fish body, gills, fins?
Also check for tiny white spots, or yellow golden spots.
If there a blue to grey film on fish.

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