Clown Loaches Sulking


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK

I have 2 clown loaches who seem to hide continuously. I recently removed 2 sharks from my tank as they were causing trouble disturbing the decor. The sharks and the loaches used to swim and play together all the time but since removing the sharks, I have hardly seen the loaches at all. They tend to only come out when its feeding time and then go back in their caves. I did catch them out at the front of the tank playing once or twice when i get up early for work but otherwise I haven't done anything else differently. How can I encourage my loaches to come out more again?
my tank is only a 180l. They were originally in a 34l tank at a work colleagues who bought them when they were very small and I took them in about 12 months ago as I felt sorry for them in such a small tank (they are now about 4" each) so I suspect eventually I will have to pass them on once they outgrow my tank but i would like to keep them happy for the time being until they get bigger so another few is out of the question.
180L, 47g for me is 2 small for clown loaches in the long run but they grow very slow and if u think u'll be able 2 upgrade 2 like a 90g in the next few year then theyd b ok.

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