Clown Loaches? Size.....?*pic Included*


Fish Fanatic
Jul 16, 2008
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Oh dear....I just read that cloan loaches get really big?

I,ve just got some medium sized ones...But my tank isnt to big..(see picture)



Im rather worried? :S

In the future im hoping to buy guppies, swordtails, corys, more neon tetras

My loaches will be ok with them wont they? :l

Could really do with advice thanks!

google it or check out the species index on this site, but pretty sure that clowns get over a foot.. sucks i know cuz there beautiful fish, but ull need to rehome or upgrade eventually. they are slow growers tho so u have some time
About 12 inches. They're slow growers after a point, but they're also very hard to rehome once they get big, as nearly all the demand for them is from people unaware of their potential size and tank needs. IMO it's best to rehome them as soon as you learn they'll outgrow the tank, or commit to upgrading to at least a 75g within a year or two.

Neon tetras and guppies might get eaten simply from the sheer size difference. Bigger cory species should be safe, and swordtails will be fine.
theyll be fine in that tank for years they are the slowest growing fish i have ever seen..they tend to get fat before they get long.
Clowns are slow growning but mine grow to 4" from just an inch in a year but thats not the norm and then after that their much slower.

Here is a fish i just found that was 10 years old

Clown loaches can actually grow very quickly upto 14" if they are kept properly.
Their not a fast growing fish in the home aquaria. Unless u have a massive tank. Mine are in a 25' tank and only grow 4 inches in one year.

In the wild they will grow faster but fully grown (14") will be i guess in 5-10 years.
Thanks alot everyone,

Really appreciate the advice.

Im sure they'll be ok for the time being, i havent got much fish in the tank yet so they,ve got loads of space. as soon as they start gettin too big for the tank, ill rehome.:)

About 12 inches. They're slow growers after a point, but they're also very hard to rehome once they get big, as nearly all the demand for them is from people unaware of their potential size and tank needs. IMO it's best to rehome them as soon as you learn they'll outgrow the tank, or commit to upgrading to at least a 75g within a year or two.

Neon tetras and guppies might get eaten simply from the sheer size difference. Bigger cory species should be safe, and swordtails will be fine.

Hmm, if I could get my hands on a foot long clown loach i'd snap it up in a second, would be stunning...I've never seen one anymore than about 9-10", shame most don't live long enough to reach that size.
In 5 years time I would be shocked if they got any bigger than 8"
Helter, you have a 25ft tank?
The biggest i have ever seen is around 8" they fade a fair bit as they get bigger tho.

I Owned a group of 5 in my old 6ft tank and i had them for 5 years + they got very very fat and grew a few inches but nothing like near a foot long,they were 1.5" when i bought them and grew slowly to about 6" over 5 friend says they can take up to 30 years to grow full length.
In the wild they mature at around 2 years.
This is coz clowns on farms are often used from 4 inches, but the larger they are the more eggs they produce.

So they can spawn after the 2nd year or so as clowns I've reared can grow 4 inches in one year.

They would surly be fully grown from about 5-10 years in the wild but this is almost impossible in the home aquaria.
However i dont know of any one who's done ageing on wild fish but this would be intresting to do.

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