We recently purchased two clown loaches (about 4-5 wks ago). They seemed to be doing well, dancing about the tank as if they were constantly playing tag with one another. This past weekend, we noticed one was very motionless, the other almost as motionless. Even though we've noticed that these fish like to take naps, it now looks like these fish are having problems. They appear skinnier than normal - haven't noticed them eating much. They spend most of the time in the 'nap' or motionless mode. There are no other external indications of problems (i.e. spots, redness).
Hoping someone can provide advice that may help save these fish.
Ph about 7.4 -7.6, Ammonia and nitrates virtually zil. Temp at 80 degrees.
Hoping someone can provide advice that may help save these fish.
Ph about 7.4 -7.6, Ammonia and nitrates virtually zil. Temp at 80 degrees.