Clown Loaches & Neons - Compatible?


New Member
Dec 8, 2005
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Ontario, Canada

I started a 10-gallon tank a couple of months ago with four neon tetras and three (now two, alas) scissortail rasaboras. Last week, after doing as much checking as I could on compatibility, tank capacity, aggression, etc., I added two clown loaches, about 1.5 inches each.

The loaches have settled right in, and the scissortails seem fine, but the neons now spend a lot more time huddled in a corner. They still come out promptly for meals, and occasionally for a recreational group swim, but before the loaches showed up the neons spent most of their time in the open. The loaches haven't been at all threatening that I could see, but the little guys are definitely nervous.

Any thoughts? Thanks!!!
Hi, Welcome to the forum

My clown loaches are in with loads of small tetras and everyone gets along fine. I have mine in a 5 foot tank though. Are you aware that clown loaches should be kept in groups of 3+ and grow in excess of 12 inches, they are not at all suitable for a 10 gallon tank. If i were you i'd rehome the loaches and get some dwarf corydoras instead as they will be able to live out their lives in a 10 gallon tank. The only loach suitable for your tank would be the khuli loach but even these should be kept in groups of 3+ and so would be overstocking with what you already have.


:hi: :fish:
Thanks, Emma! The store, which (till now) has been a terrific source of honest advice, said that the clowns should be kept in groups, but that two would be fine. But since then I've seen your advice about groups of three in various places on the Web. Ditto on their growth. Maybe the salesman was a newbie, too. . . .

Really appreciate your suggestions!

--Mai (actually Mai's daddy, who bought the tank for her)
I have two clown loaches and they work well together. I also have three Yo Yo loaches so that the clowns can either trail them around and drive them nuts or stick together.

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