Clown Loaches In A 50gal?


If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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is a 50gal to small for clown loaches? :hey:
go for a 125g or 150g if want them to be happy :).
I would say no less than 90gal for a group.
They'll be okay in a 50g for a few years but will eventually need to be moved up to the larger tank size. I'm doing it now with my trio going from a 30g to a 55g. Eventually they'll either go into a 100g or be sold/given away.
we have a group of four in a 55gal, they are perfectly happy, but are still small. we already have a 170gal tank ready and waiting for them to move into asap! that is.. once we find a house to house the new tank!!! as long as you have future arrangements for them, ie a much larger tank, then you should be alright!

kat :)
ya think i could sell them on aquabid? :hyper:
i'm not too sure. but if you haven't bought these fish yet, and you do not plan on moving them to a larger tank eventually, it is probably best not to buy any. these fish are quite sensitive, and moving from tnak to tank is stressful enough, so imagine how much more stressful it would be for them to move from your tnak to someone elses's tank, different water params, different tank mates, and not to mention being bagged up and a car journey.
these are lovely fish, and you will become attached to them as they have great personalities, this will make it difficult for you to let them go to a new home, and if you do not have the space or the financial capability to purchase a larger tank then it is probably best not to buy any.
kat :)
They could be in there if it was only temporary. I could suggest a 100 gallon for a minimum though.

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