New Member
Hi there. I've brought 4 clown loaches last Tuesday on Thursday I noticed some white spots on them so I done my normal 25% water change and gravel vac and raised the temp to 28 to 29 brought some king British white spot treatment green in colour dosed half the amount cos of loaches but added every 24 hours rather than 48 hours I've now got my air stone on all the time since treating for extra aeration all other fish seem fine at mo. I've read loads of stuff about the cycle of the parasite and understand it but the white spot don't seem any better after 5 days of treatment is it to early to tell yet only cos I've read they should drop off within 3 days. My set up is fluval Roma 200 with 4 loaches 2 three striped corys 10 neon tetra and two pearl gouramis. Planted tank and pea gravel. Also loaches seem ok and feeding fine but they do tend to hang around top corner by heater in the evening sorry it's long winded but I seem to be doing everything right but to no effect or am I just being impatient. Thanks Dave
Forgot to say I've had water tested today and ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10 ph 7. 5. Gh 90. Kh 70. Phosphate 1. So all seems ok and tank been up and running for 4 months
Forgot to say I've had water tested today and ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10 ph 7. 5. Gh 90. Kh 70. Phosphate 1. So all seems ok and tank been up and running for 4 months