Clown Loaches fighting


New Member
Sep 7, 2023
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King’s Lynn
Hi can anyone help/advise please.
3 clown loaches about 20 years old with 2 golden algae eaters 3 years old living happily until the smallest clown loach died recently. Since then the biggest clown loach has been beating up the middle clown loach persistently. It’s really upsetting! I’ve moved the caves around - there are 4 caves, added more plants, waters ok, added aqua stress. Any more ideas? I’m thinking the only choice now will be to re home one.
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The cause of the problem is numbers of the species Changing the decor will not solve it. And from what you describe, I would expect the small clown loach to not be alive very long, unless you separate them. There is no other solution. Acquiring more is likely going to enrage the largest loach who considers the tank his space, and intruders will probably be met with extreme violence. The age if correct will only make this the more likely.

If you have had the three loaches for 20 years, you really lucked out. Usually the shoal has to be larger than three, or four, for this to work. This is a highly social fish. Individuals placed in an aquarium will form an hierarchy. The alpha fish is usually a female. This social structure will last the lives of the fish, at least usually, or until one dies, as you have seen. You are really lucky this has not occurred before now, the breakup of the trio I mean. I believe 20 years is the normal life expectancy so other than separating the loaches, I would not subject them to any others of the species.

What fish species are the Golden Algae Eaters? This may be more trouble just waiting to happen. Most of the "loach" species are very territorial, and space in even a large tank is frequently just not enough.

Aqua Stress will do no benefit, and may do harm getting inside the fish. Don't use these chemicals/herbal additives.
Thank you I suspected separating them was the only option, interesting about the lifelong hierarchy, they’re definitely 20 as we purchased them that long ago - and we have been surprised at the lifespan. The smaller loach has a space that the larger one cannot get into so has a safe space but can’t leave it.

The Golden Algae Eater is a yellow/golden coloured fish from the Chinese Algae Eater family (Gyrinocheilos aymonieri
The Golden Algae Eater is a yellow/golden coloured fish from the Chinese Algae Eater family (Gyrinocheilos aymonieri

I would re-home these. This "ChineseAlgae Eater" tends to become very nasty as it matures, and there are confirmed reports of it eating the slime coat off other fish. It gets large, and mean.

Compatibility/Temperament: As it matures this fish becomes aggressive, especially toward slow-swimming flat-bodied fish. Should not be kept with fish that remain close to the substrate such as cichlids or catfish. It has frequently been observed grazing mucus from the flanks of other fish. Best kept as a solitary specimen, or a group of 5-6 but only in very large tanks due to the conspecific aggression. Given its habits and eventual size, this is not a fish recommended for the community aquarium. Reaches 6-8 inches usually, but has been known to get to 12 inches.

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