Clown Loaches And Tankmates


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
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USA, Colorado, Denver
I have three very cute clown loaches. They are about 2 or 3 inches. They all have very voracious appetites. Often one of them doesnt like when other fish goes after the food and will even show their dislike by going up to the angel fish, or even chase a rasbora. It appears that this behavior is pretty harmless. Although, I did have to remove three cory catfish because of damaged fins, and I suspect the loaches are responsible, but Im not sure.

Anyways, now that I dont have any other bottom dwellers other then the loaches, do you think I should add cory catfish given what has happened? What are tankmates would work with these loachhes, which are supposed to be pretty docile. I dont want another catfish to undergo the same stress, although I really am not sure what happened to my cories.

I have three very cute clown loaches. They are about 2 or 3 inches. They all have very voracious appetites. Often one of them doesnt like when other fish goes after the food and will even show their dislike by going up to the angel fish, or even chase a rasbora. It appears that this behavior is pretty harmless. Although, I did have to remove three cory catfish because of damaged fins, and I suspect the loaches are responsible, but Im not sure.

Anyways, now that I dont have any other bottom dwellers other then the loaches, do you think I should add cory catfish given what has happened? What are tankmates would work with these loachhes, which are supposed to be pretty docile. I dont want another catfish to undergo the same stress, although I really am not sure what happened to my cories.


More loaches.

You need more than 3 for a healthy shoal, at least 5. This will make your loaches less interested in other fish too.

As for the other bottom dwellers, large cories should be ok. Many other loaches are compatible with clowns; and you can look into plecos, BN is one option.
I guess im concerned given the appetite of these loaches that the cories wont be getting their share. I dont know why the cories got sick and their fins got damaged, but I can only assume it was the loaches. So I did see three larger size emerald green cories at the LFS the other day, but I want to make sure they get their share and not get sick like the last ones I had.
In general, clowns will not attack other fish, and are not known for fin nipping (some loaches are, skunks are the notorious example, and my Y.Lecontei did an artwork from danio fins). Check water quality, this is one of the leading causes of fin deterioration. Or it could be a disease cories had and clowns were lucky not to catch.

Of course, if you get new fish, make sure to quarantine for a month at least.

Also, clowns tend to miss smaller food fragments which should be sufficient for the cories.
Well, I try to be meticulous with my tank water. I do water changes weekly, 20%. and because I enjoy water testing, I always do that to. once every couple of weeks. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and nirtates at around 10. so I really dont think that's the cause.

Also, my cute cories I have had for several months and I never noticed a problem.
Some things cannot be figured out, but fin-nipping by clown loaches imho should not be seen as the probable cause.

Check also that the water hardness and pH match the requirements of your cories; over time water type mismatch may cause all kinds of problems.

hi i have 5 clown loaches 3 burmese loaches and 1 yo yo loach at the mo and they all get on well i think that most loaches will be good tankmates for clown loaches i also hav a red tail shark who my clowns get on well with bugzy 81

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