Hello there, I'm a new member and a relatively inexperienced tropical fish keeper.
I have two clown loaches that I'm having a problem with. The two loaches were until last week housed in a smaller tank, but upon realising how large they would grow I've bought a much larger tank to keep them in (and hopefully add a few more clown loaches too). In the smaller tank the larger of the two loaches hardly ever came out of hiding, but the smaller was quite bold and would swim around the tank. Since moving them to their new home they both came out of their shells a lot and were swimming around the tank a fair bit.
I was pleased with this, and was looking forward to watching them swim happily around. The problem started yesterday when I bought an airstone for the tank to add some movement to the top of the water. There wasn't much surface movement with the filter alone and I thought the introduction of an airstone would help, not only with movement of the water, but also with oxygen in the tank.
Upon switching the airstone on however (there are two connected to the same pump) they went into hiding. The airstones do provide a lot of movement to the top of the water, and I honestly thought this would help, but after an entire day yesterday the never appeared from under their bogwood.
I switched the airstones off last night and this morning they were back to swimming around the tank, though the larger hasn't been out as much. Is this normal behaviour, should I perservere with the airstones, or should I just have them running for a couple of hours a day?
I really need help with this as I don't want to upset the fish and only want what is best for them, any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance,
I have two clown loaches that I'm having a problem with. The two loaches were until last week housed in a smaller tank, but upon realising how large they would grow I've bought a much larger tank to keep them in (and hopefully add a few more clown loaches too). In the smaller tank the larger of the two loaches hardly ever came out of hiding, but the smaller was quite bold and would swim around the tank. Since moving them to their new home they both came out of their shells a lot and were swimming around the tank a fair bit.
I was pleased with this, and was looking forward to watching them swim happily around. The problem started yesterday when I bought an airstone for the tank to add some movement to the top of the water. There wasn't much surface movement with the filter alone and I thought the introduction of an airstone would help, not only with movement of the water, but also with oxygen in the tank.
Upon switching the airstone on however (there are two connected to the same pump) they went into hiding. The airstones do provide a lot of movement to the top of the water, and I honestly thought this would help, but after an entire day yesterday the never appeared from under their bogwood.
I switched the airstones off last night and this morning they were back to swimming around the tank, though the larger hasn't been out as much. Is this normal behaviour, should I perservere with the airstones, or should I just have them running for a couple of hours a day?
I really need help with this as I don't want to upset the fish and only want what is best for them, any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance,