Clown Loach


Fish Addict
Dec 18, 2004
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I purchased two clown loaches the other day to eat all the snails up in my tank.
Anyway, they dissapear for ages through the day, I look everywhere and cant find them!!!
So, so they burry theirselfs of something? A lot of the gravel has been stirred up at the back of the tank so im guessing they are doing something there. But if I look straight down from above I still cant see them, lol.

Where are they hiding!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?

(theres nowhere I cant see except under the gravel)
When I first got clowns they would wedge themselves into the most bizarre places. In my experience they have to get used to their new environment and feel safe to roam about. The ideal situation is three or more clowns. After a couple of months they rarely ever hide. If one clown is more adventurous the others will probably follow. One of my little guys used to be more shy then the other two and it worried me. I got to know his hiding places and coaxed him out. Now all three frolic as much as any fish.
I don't know whay kind of rocks and decor you have but if you turn some stuff over you'll probably find them. I've never seen them emersed in gravel. :)
Theres noway they can get under any of my decor without digging.
They do come out, in the morning the lights go on, they come out, swim around and are fine, one does follow the other. But by evening they are just gone, lol. They gotta be wedged somewhere just cant see how without burrying, lol :dunno:
Funny old things....

Yea, they are so cute. I have one fake rock that has a hollow inside and I stick it deep into the substrate and they still manage to get themselves inside.
Clown loaches tend to hide at times, I doubt they are under the gravel, never had that happen before.

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