clown loach


Nov 25, 2004
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i've got 3 sub-2inch clown loach in my 55g at the mo (before anyone starts, yes i know how big theyll get and yes i'm intending on upgrading to a 4x2x2 as soon as money allows :) ). However out of all the fish that I have they have a knack for completely disappearing! Quite often i can only see one or two of the three - the others tend to hide away around the rocks or bogwood. However i was away for a couple of days over the weekend and arrived back last night only to find only one clown in the tank. Searched everywhere (incl under/in bogwood, and in/around filters) and no sign anywhere of the others. First thing this morning, i checked and theres three again!
Also, of the 3 I initially bought, i lost one very small one (again completely vanished) and went back to the LFS to pick up one i'd reserved the day before to replace it. He was alone in a bare tank with a gravel base with 3 gouramies. Only he wasnt - myself and the 2 shop staff all checked to see if we could see him - the shop owner even said he;d seen him there an hour before - but he was nowhere to be seen! They took the gouramies out and drained the tank to about 3" of water over the gravel, and he just reappeared as if from nowhere!
Anyone else find these to be elusive?? do they bury themselves into gravel at all? or are they just smarter than me and good at hiding?
:lol: :lol: . Aren't they amazing fish, nothing these fellas do surprises me any more, the amount of times I been trying to find my fish I've just lost count. Still I can see all 3 at the moment. Guaranteed in 5 minutes they will hide.
They tend to do that, not as much as some loaches I must say though. I'm not really sure where they go, but they go somewhere lol. :lol:
the pixies take them and then bring them back when you stop looking.
it is the same with socks :nod:
:lol: so somewhere in the world theres a place foll of odd socks and stray clown loach, that explains everything
chris_1127 said:
:lol: so somewhere in the world theres a place foll of odd socks and stray clown loach, that explains everything
Exactly. You see, there is this huge lake that all our clown loaches go for a hour or a few days. and instead of the beach having sand it's actually a sock beach.

That was a odd visual :lol:
just been back to the shop that sold me the clowns - they had a disappearing 4" blue botia this afternoon - not the most inconspicuous of fish either!! It turned up 4 tanks down from where it started!!
Out of all the loaches I have kept the skunk loaches seems to vanish the most lol
i usually look for the loaches nose when it disappears. They have the unique ability to bury their body tail first in the softsand or mud. ;)
kerwin said:
i usually look for the loaches nose when it disappears. They have the unique ability to bury their body tail first in the softsand or mud. ;)
Yeah it does really happen when your substrate is a gravel, but I do have sand. :p

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