clown loach


Fish Fanatic
Jul 16, 2003
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gloucester uk
i just bought 3 clown loach, they are happy as they can be BUT they keep hiding in my sucker brackets for my fillter :blink:
i have loads of hiding place's dose any one have a idea to stop them :/
Short of removing the suckers there isnt anything you can do,they may eventually find a new place when they become a bit more adventurous but till then where they are hiding is probably where they feel safest.
If you can create a cave that is a bit tight for them they may move. This will help them feel secure. I also brought 3 home and they acted a bit odd for a few days. Give them maybe a week. Mine hardly ever hide anymore, i swear they think they are danios.
Impur I thought the same thing about my loaches lol They hang out with the danios & I swear they try to imitate them lol...crazy fish

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