Clown Loach


New Member
Sep 17, 2009
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well i got a clown loach to take a toll on my snail infestation and i was wondering if i should feed him while snails are abundant and if so what? the only fish in there with him right now is a 3 inch pleco and he is about 2 inches. try to get back to me quick thiankks
firstly .... clown loaches arnt catfish :D
and the should be kept in groups, they love having more than 2 friends
you could put in a bit of food but i find feeding loaches can be tricky with greedy plecos :D
Clowns need to be in a group of at least three, but more is better. They also grow very large and need a 5-6 ft tank. They will eat snails, but they need food other than snails. They can be hard to target feed when you have a pleco in the same tank. How big is your tank? and what else do you expect to stock it with?
i have found in my experience that it is easy to feed clown loaches, my group has three plecs with them and all compete very well, but i agree with the two statements above firstly they need a large tank and two should be kept in groups, as to be honest you will prefer them in groups they are far more active and its fun watching the interaction between them.

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