Clown Loach


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
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When I bought my 4 ft tank (second hand) one of the fish it came with was a single clown loach. I am considering getting rid of the fellow as it is by itself. However if I buy another 2, I just wanted to know if my CL being 4 to 5 inches would be ok with thye ones in the aquatic shop that are half its size or would they not get on due to size difference.

The second quetion is size. I know they get large but they also live a long time (touch wood). Does any one know the time scale of growth. Is it roughly an inch per year say?
i have 5 clowns of different sizes added at different times in my 4 foot, they love each other loads, every time a new one came the others would swim uo to it and play with it :wub: . i would say roughly an inch per yr is about right. my biggest is 5-6yrs old and is 5.1inch, my smallest is 2inch and about the same in age, i love to see mine swim together, they also sleep together in the same log. donna :)
When I bought my 4 ft tank (second hand) one of the fish it came with was a single clown loach. I am considering getting rid of the fellow as it is by itself. However if I buy another 2, I just wanted to know if my CL being 4 to 5 inches would be ok with thye ones in the aquatic shop that are half its size or would they not get on due to size difference.

The second quetion is size. I know they get large but they also live a long time (touch wood). Does any one know the time scale of growth. Is it roughly an inch per year say?

Concurring with the previous poster: different sizes are not a problem. I'd avoid very tiny ones (1.5") since they are a bit less stable. Definitely, keeping a single clown loach is not a good idea, in fact, you really want 5+ ultimately. Better for the fish, and more fun for you.

It is about 1" per year on the average, with slowdown at perhaps 6". At which point you may need a larger tank anyway..., one is supposed to have a 6ft or more for adult clowns...
I have just got 1 clown 2 weeks ago & I'm now having a bullying problem. I've not caught any fish causing it.

Could it be the clown is lonely or my golden chinees algea eater (who has been peaceful unit now) upto nomal cae tricks (I know they can start when they get bigger & older but he's not big or old yet).

One male Dwarf gurami lost scales, got funges & died & I'd had him months. Got a replacement a few days later & he lost scales within 24 hrs but is on the mend in hospital tank.

I didn't think clowns were bullies but could he be if he feels lonely?

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