Clown Loach


Fish Addict
Jan 22, 2006
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hello, loach lovers,
i would like to know how big clowns really do get in home aquariums.
i know what all the books say on size, but im asking clown loach owners.
my biggest is 5inch, and s/hes, 5yrs old.
how bigs your biggest and roughly how old is it?
thanks for any replys, donna :) .
ps anyone know how long they should live for?
I've got two about 18 months old who are about 5" long, 1.5" tall, and three about 12 months old pretty much the same length but only about 1" tall.

Apparently, you're talking 30 yrs.

Nice C4 BTW.

Got my 2 Clown's about 6 months ago - they're currently about 3.5" each and live together inside my fake mangrove root !

Think they're fantastic fish - right little characters, but very noisy eaters when you give them a treat like courgette or mussel :D

Got my 2 Clown's about 6 months ago - they're currently about 3.5" each and live together inside my fake mangrove root !

Think they're fantastic fish - right little characters, but very noisy eaters when you give them a treat like courgette or mussel :D
i have the same mangrove root as you all three of mine cram, in and also a pleco sometimes :hyper: ,
we are getting a bigger tank soon and was thinking on adding 1-2 more clowns but i worry they will get stuck :S .
Depends so much on the size of tank, how long u keept em and how good, me myself never seen anything larger then 6-7" and that's BIG!
I havent owned any large clown loaches but last year i did see some 10"+ specimins at the local fish shop. Apperently they were around 20 years old and had been bought in because their owner had died and no one wanted the tank.
just a lil off topic....

nice rosline shark you got in that tank. Roselines max at 6", and it looked about as big as your clown, so that's probably where he is. :good:
Read somewhere a few years ago that there some Clowns in a display tank at Macys in New York, that are reputed to be in excess of 80 years old! Cannot remember the size tho'. I've got two that are around 4 y.o. and about 5.5" in length.
my two biggest are around the 8" mark, according to the person I got them from they are
approx 10 years old, at least that is how long he had them.
for pics of one of them, search this forum for odd looking clown?
A friend of mine has one that is around 12 years old and 10 inches big. He's outlived all his mates :(

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