Clown Loach


New Member
Aug 10, 2005
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Hi I have had a clown loach for about 3 Yrs and my dad had it before me for about the same. It is about 6 inches long and we all love it, bought him a little friend about a year ago and now they are inseperable they both sleep on their side inside a cave or between the plants. Just wondering how big do they grow? and how long do they live? I'll try to post some pictures of both of them tomorrow.
I was researching these when I first stocked my tank but decided against them in the end, anyway from what I can remember they grow upto a foot long but often smaller in aquariums as for life span I think it was around the fifteen year mark :)
Clown loaches can grow to be up to 14", but that is rare. They have also been recorded to live to age 60 or so, but that is rare.

Expect 10-20 years and 6" for an average aquarium.
pnykir, what size tank for a full community aquarium and 5 clowns? My tank is 100 usg; I have 3 clowns about 2-3"; two more seems like it would stress the other inhabitants when the clowns go dancing. It would also take up alot of my tank space/fish inches.

Waiting for those pics, shell
Hi Shell,

Take a look at this link to see some big ones.

Jolly Sue,

If you don't want possible over crowding get some smaller species of loach, they will still join in the loachy dance but you won't have to worry about future overcrowding. I have 3 clowns, a zebra and 4 chain loach in a 400 litre community tank and they all play together (when i see zebras again i will have to get 2 more but the one i have was the last one left at the shop).

Are Zebras the ones that cost a few hundred $? :rofl:

Other than that, good idea. I'll research and find something.

Thanks :nod:

EDIT: I just realized that I was thinking of zebra plecos that cost dearly.

So thanks again. :)
What is the width of your 100 gallon? This should be another factor when determining full-grown sizes. Can the fish turn around? It will take a long time for the clowns to reach full size. I know that people say "Oh, I'm going to upgrade my tank," but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Often, life happens, and the circumstances are such that we can't afford/house a bigger tank or more tanks.

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