Clown loach with white spot...


New Member
Aug 3, 2003
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I have a (baby) clown loach with white spot (i think), i noticed it yesterday but didnt know what it was and today it is alot worse and he is sturggiling and lying on the bottom :(

My questions are will he be able to hang on until tommorrow till i can get the treatment???????

2.What make should i use??????
3. Should i give him a salt water bath, if so hot or cold water?????
4. Will my other fish catch it?????

My readings for nitrite are 0ppm as my tank has now fully cycled, :D .

Thanks for all Help, Laurence.
you cannot give loaches salt bath treatments. salt burns scaless fish. also scaless fish are somewhat immune to ich as they do not have scales for the parasite to lift and burrow in. skin is harder for the parasite to penetrate.

get some maracyn and try to treat him. could be an external parasite.

semper fi
Thanks alot for all the help but unfortunately he died around an hour ago. :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( He is now in heaven watching us.

Thanks anyway, good thing he was only a baby i would have cried evenmore if he was older. :-( :D :-(

Cheers Laurence.
if you wnat to get another clown loach is worth putting him a tank on it's own for a week or so they get white spot a lot or buy some trement ready just to be safe,
i bought 3 and with in a week all there had ich
Sorry to hear about your loach :-(

My 2 clown loaches got ick about 2 days after I added them to my 55 gal. I agree with isolating any furture clown loaches. I was told that they tend to be very sensitive to certian water condition's. Luckily for me my tank prams matched the prams of the dealer exactly but they still got ick( as ick is always present in the tank) from stress. If I remember correctly I used aquarisol to clear mine up and it worked well for me. My dealer won't even guarentee the clown loaches , so it's a buy at your own risk.
Aquarisol is the ONLY thing that worked for my massive 6-month long ick problem. Well, aquarisol combined with a UV sterilizer.

In fact, the UV is what cleared up my tank. Aquarisol I add when I add clown loaches and that is the only way they survived. Aquarison is safe to use without shutting down the UV.

Sorry you lost the clown. Try to buy larger ones, that also helps. Make sure they are fat, too, not straight or thin. The plumper the better.
i'm with ostrow on this one. I went through two sets of little clowns. I found larger ones, over two inches, and they didnt get the disease. they are beautiful fish, so dont give up. Wolfefish
What's that Graeme? I haven't been on this board much, what with the reef tank keeping me busy. You still having loach problems???
Sorry about your fish :( :( i Do recomend that you always have meds ready as i have learnt from past experience i lost 4 cause of ich :( :( :( gutted me ...but i am always prepared now :D I think i got every med on the market. :lol:


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