Clown Loach Tank Size And Compatability


Fish Herder
Oct 31, 2008
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Just wondering what the recommended tank size is for a group of 6-8 adults? i've got a 120galon 4x2x2 with an oscar and armoured bichir in at present. I will be getting a lima shovelnose catfish as well some time in the next month or so and fancied clown loaches as a good shoaling fish .
Different people would say different things. IMO they definitely need to be kept in a group, the bigger the group the better. However, they need big tanks, they grow upto 12" and get fat. Some would say do it, some would say don't. Adults are rare and expensive. If you definitely want some, I would get between 5-6" sized ones, that your O would find difficult to make as a meal.
they grow upto 16"
min number 5
min tank 4ft but would do better in 6ft

need extremly well filtered water - very clean tank with plenty of water changes
can live for 20 years + in aquariums --lot more in the wild
they grow upto 16"
min number 5
min tank 4ft but would do better in 6ft

need extremly well filtered water - very clean tank with plenty of water changes
can live for 20 years + in aquariums --lot more in the wild

Hi' thanks ,

i wasn't sure if the 6 foot is better i will not bother:) waters well filtered and large volume but best for the fish to be happy:)

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